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Liquid facelift - Facial contouring

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As we age, the face begins to lose collagen and elastin which contributes to sagging facial features. The loss of facial volume and elasticity also leads to the formation of wrinkles, lines and folds.

A Liquid Facelift is a technique for injecting advanced dermal fillers, such as Aliaxin, Sculptra, Ellanse... Precisely placed, the dermal fillers can be used to lift or contour any number of facial features.


Who is this procedure for?

A non-surgical Liquid Face Lift can be undertaken to accomplish any of the following:


  • Lifting the entire face

  • Gentle lift of a facial feature

  • Reduced wrinkles, creases, line or folds

  • Restoration of natural, curved facial contours

  • A more rested, energetic look

  • A friendlier smile

How long will it last?
A Liquid Face Lift will typically last from one to two years, depending on the products used and the facial area treated. Longevity also depends on the skill of the doctor. Here at Vanity Aesthetics & Beauty, we only use products of highest quality with good scientific evidence, Dr Huynh is also extensively trained in the use of many types of filler. This is how we ensure you get the longest possible results.


Cost of the procedure?

Depending on the amount a product required, cost varies from £300 for an individual facial feature to £1200 for a facelift.

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